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Regular Fee: SSD21 (School and Conference)

This fee grants you access to the School events, as well as the Conference events held at the 21st International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry. The School will be held at the Physics Institute June 4th, 5th and 6th; and the Conference events will be held at the School of Science from June 8th, to the 13th. Coffee breaks and lunch will be provided.

Students Fee: SSD21 (School and Conference)

This fee grants you access to the School events, as well as the Conference events held at the 21st International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry. The School will be held at the Physics Institute June 4th, 5th and 6th; and the Conference events will be held at the School of Science from June 8th, to the 13th. Coffee breaks and lunch will be provided.

Invited Lecturer: SSD21 (School and Conference)

This fee grants you access to the School events, as well as the Conference events held at the 21st International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry. The School will be held at the Physics Institute June 4th, 5th and 6th; and the Conference events will be held at the School of Science from June 8th, to the 13th. Coffee breaks and lunch will be provided.

Geografías olvidadas. El espacio público y la ley, Ciudad de México, siglo XX

Rodrigo Meneses Reyes

Con la intención de contribuir al debate público mexicano sobre el papel del sistema legal como un recurso público que se distribuye de manera diferencial entre los grupos sociales, este ensayo adelanta una hipótesis que subraya la importancia que ha tenido la ley en la visa cotidiana de los pobres en la ciudad de México del siglo XX.

Breve historia de la locura y la psiquiatría en México

Andrés Ríos Molina

No hay otro campo de la medicina que tenga un vínculo tan fuerte con la cultura contemporánea como la psiquiatría. Los estudios sociales y culturales nos han demostrado que, no solo es un campo científico para la investigación y tratamiento de los padecimientos mentales, sino que ha llegado a convertirse en estructurante de nuestra subjetividad.